Rebalancing for me was a starting point, a moment of integration between the experience of dance,
the movement vertigo brought inside the body through contact and listening to the subtle dynamics of internal movement.
Rebalancing uses the combination of deep and connective tissue massage according to various techniques (Rolfing, Deep Tissue, Core Integration)
with the balancing of the tensor bands and structures (Joint Release) through the passive mobilization of the joints. It includes repetition, rhythm,
and passive use of weight, all with constant attention to the emotional,energetic and spiritual aspects that also underlie our bodily manifestations.
When muscular tensions loosen and the body relaxes deeply, a great energy flow arises again and a perception of harmony appears
between the physical and non-physical parts that compose us. From this space we can perceive with greater clarity the habit that keeps us tied to old patterns, including bodily one, and we allow ourselves to explore new forms of being even in our body.